Oak Galls

Gall type #20

  • This gall is similar to Heteroecus melanoderma but is different in a few ways: 1) the exit hole is not at the base of the gall; 2) the hairs are sparser and not golden; 3) the tips of the galls get brown and bent while the rest of the galls is still green.
  • Russo (2021) Page 146, Plate 205. [Squash Neck Gall Wasp, Unknown #18]
  • Monothalamous stem gall. Wasp exits near top. Approximately 10-15 mm.
  • Have seen on Quercus palmeri.
  • Kern and Riverside Counties (California)

  • IMAGE 1      March 25, 2008      Kern County      Host Quercus palmeri.     

    IMAGE 2
    January 30, 2009
    Riverside County
    Host Quercus palmeri.

    IMAGE 3
    January 30, 2009
    Riverside County
    Host Quercus palmeri.

    IMAGE 4
    March 25, 2008
    Kern County
    Host Quercus palmeri.

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