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Many dozens of people over the years have helped me in numerous ways with my photos. I'm grateful to each and every person.


Arthropod Identifications:

Without these people I would know much less about insects than I do, and might not have learned to "see" insects as well as I can now.
Alice Abela, John Ascher, James Bailey, John and Jane Balaban, Cheryl Barr, Larry Bezark, Matthias Buck, V Belov, Chris Borkent, Margarethe Brummermann, Boris Büch, John F. Carr, Don Chandler, Eric Eaton, Arthur Evans, Raymond Gagne, Stephen Gaimari, Chris Grinter, Jeff Gruber, Andy Hamilton, Phil Harpootlian, Casey Hubble, Martin Hauser, Frans Janssens, Lynn Kimsey, Blaine Mathison, Jim McClarin, James Nicholls, Gordon Nishida, Pete Oboyski, Bob Patterson, Norm Penny, Jerry Powell, Herschel Raney, Roger Rohrbeck, Paul Rude, Dave Ruiter, Ron Russo, Kathy Schick, Aaron Schusteff, Bill Shepard, Kip Will, Doug Yanega, Chen Young, Thomas Zavortink, Bob Zuparko, and MANY, MANY MORE.
BugGuide: BugGuide is the most useful resource for identification of North American insects. Many people on BugGuide (in addition to some named above) have helped me over the years, and continue to help me, with arthropod identifications.
I'm grateful to my family and friends who have put up with insects on kitchen counters, in refrigerators, and running or flying all over the house (especially the ones that weren't there to start with). Also, people who have followed me up mountains and across deserts to look for some tiny gall or beetle that we might not even find.

Thanks also to my dog Volpo who enjoyed accompanying me when I looked for critters, especially to locations with sticks, where the weather was not too hot, and where there were few or preferably no pesky flies or yellowjackets.